

Payment: Do you accept insurance?

No, you pay me directly.  I will give you a bill at the end of each month, which you can send in for reimbursement from your insurance carrier.

This seems unfair:

It is. We are in a sad state of affairs. There are differences in terms of level of training and competition. While there are many laws about mental health parity, they are not often followed by insurance companies. If you have a health insurance complaint or been inappropriately reimbursed, please file it here: New York State wants to hear about it.

I run my practice by making clinical decisions.

Do you ever slide your fee?

I do! Those spots are currently filled, but you can check here for openings. If you need help with a consultation for your psychoanalysis, contact me directly.

You don’t sound, um…

WHITE?  I ain’t. No code switching up in this joint. And, none for you either. Come as you are.

Still, the way you speak seems kind of different than other psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, you sound, kinda… well… Hindu… Are you?

Yes. It is who I am and in my voice. I value freedom, respect of difference without an agenda of ‘changing’ anyone, recognition, and the journey to yourself. This website is a part of me, in my voice, unscripted and in real time. It’s how I view the world, and how I will roadtrip with you.

Will your Hinduism impact me?

Yes. I have no desire to change you, and I respect difference. I have only one desire for you: You do you.

Just the best you, possible.

This is a journey of knowing yourself. Let’s ride.

What About…

Do I have to be politically around you?

Hell no. Political Correctness is the death of all thought and speech.

Speak your truth, I can take it.

I am like, really angry. Furious. And, trying not to be. I am trying to be full of love, but I am too mad to come in.

Why? Respect your anger and come in.

Fear is holding me back. I am trying to push it out of my mind and think positive thoughts.

Welcome your fear. It will show us where we need to go.

I read about your background in critical theory, I want to see you, but I am a little nervous. Does this mean you won’t show me any love?

Nah. Of course not. White men are living in a strange moment right now. They are almost not allowed to say anything. Who says the effects of racism and sexism don’t also affect white men?

Yes.  David Chang. Timblaland. And, Britney... bitch

Political correctness?

Do I have to be politically around you?

Hell no. Political Correctness is the death of all thought and speech.

Speak your truth, I can take it.


I am like, really angry. Furious. And, trying not to be. I am trying to be full of love, but I am too mad to come in.

Why? Respect your anger and come in.


Fear is holding me back. I am trying to push it out of my mind and think positive thoughts.

Welcome your fear. It will show us where we need to go.

WAIT!! I am a White Man.

I read about your background in critical theory, I want to see you, but I am a little nervous. Does this mean you won’t show me any love?

Nah. Of course not. White men are living in a strange moment right now. They are almost not allowed to say anything. Who says the effects of racism and sexism don’t also affect white men?

Is there anything off limits?

Yes.  David Chang. Timblaland. And, Britney... bitch